7 Great Ways to Make Your Day Super Productive
1. Have a plan. Start the night before with a list of things you want to get done for that day. You’re much more likely to get out of bed motivated and ready to roll if you have something specific you will accomplish that day. Make it specific and doable. For instance, very few people have gotten out of bed saying, “I’m going to write a whole book today,” but it’s very doable to write a chapter.
2. Get enough sleep. Everybody has individual needs for sleep. You have to find out what those are for yourself. Whatever your particular one is, make sure you get what you need. Don’t be slave to it, but if you have to go to bed a little earlier, do it. There are many people who say you have to sleep during the regular night time hours to get the best sleep. I don’t think that’s true. Many people function on different schedules. Just make sure your room is dark and comfortable so you can get the most restful sleep you can, whatever time of day and the amount you need.
3. Pray before you get out of bed. There is something about this that helps to set the tone for your day into a much more productive, peaceful, and powerful experience. It not only calms and puts you in the right frame of mind, it puts you in the right relationship with God before you have to get out and start handling other business. If that relationship aint right, none of the rest of them will be either.
4. Coffee. Just kidding. Whether you caffeine up or not in the morning is up to you, but I would definitely limit it. It just can’t be healthy to drink pot after pot all day and if it takes more than a cup or so to wake you up in the morning, you need to be looking to other areas as to WHY that is. (Right now my wife is hitting me with a stick for that one). Especially limit the intake of stimulating beverages or foods late at night so that you’re rested for the next day.
5. Contrast shower/cold water dousing. I think the use of these two water tools are two of the most powerful and easy to use recovery and vitality stimulants you can get. It’s not going to cost you anything, will help you stave off colds, creates circulation and helps warm up your body in the morning and get it ready to go.
6. Exercise – Deep breathing. Whether you like to exercise in the morning or not is really up to you. If you want to do your heavier workouts then or if you just want to do some basic warm up/joint mobility and deep breathing vitality exercises. Either way, you’ll make your day more productive because you’ll be reved up with energy and you’ll feel better.
7. Get something to eat. Even though you may not be a breakfast eater or you may be following “The Warrior Diet,” or whatever the case may be, if you do like to eat breakfast that’s great, it’ll fuel you up for the day. If not eat something small. Protein shake, fruit, yogurt… whatever… it’ll help rev your metabolism, boost your energy and keep you from crashing a few hours later and help you hold the most muscle you can.
These things will all help you rev up for a great day. Guess what, string a few productive days together and you can accomplish more than you ever dreamed. That’s what we want to be about here. Helping you ring every ounce of potential and even potential your never knew you had. Taking you beyond the place of, “That’s the best I can do,” to the place of winning in every part of your life physically, mentally and spiritually.
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