Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Big Lifting Weekend

Appeared August 15, 2006

I had the opportunity to go to the RAW 100% Natural Powerlifting Championships this weekend with my friend Scott Weech. Let me tell you these cats put on a great meet. Consistent, fair, but lifter-friendly judging. Well run, well organized, no idiotic over ego and lots of great RAW lifting. Guys totaling near 8 to 9 times their bodyweight raw. Lots of great comradery and great efforts, not to mention a terrific message and a powerful weekend.

We filmed Scott’s amazing performance. National and World RAW records. 825 squat, 505 bench and 750 deadlift. And we’re nearly finished filming the new squat training DVD with Scott. There’ll be some monster stuff on this DVD. From the youngest guy to ever squat 1,000lbs in top five RAW squat, and top 10 equipped squat all at age 21. Believe me 900 raw and 1200 equipped are coming soon from Scott. He also tells you all the secrets of his unique approach. Basic, but with some very smart twists and training. In fact I’ve got several stories to tell from this weekend about some amazing things that happened, people I spoke with and some incredible DVDs that are going to come from this!

It’s always uplifting and reassuring to get around positive, powerful people. Just when you think the negativity and insanity in regards to the internet in strength is overcoming the good of things, you get around people who are proving the opposite. Tony Conyers and Beau Moore, both legends in powerfliting, were there and proved the same thing. Positive people building others up, incredibly strong and men to be proud of. You’ll be hearing about them this week.

If you have the chance, get to a gathering like this. It renews your motivation, faith in the sport and its people. It gives you the opportunity to learn first hand from other lifters, talking to great champions and help other strength athletes as well. Teaching, learning, and helping others are keys to happiness and success in life.


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